We are happy to welcome you back to our church HOWEVER: the following steps must be strictly observed

8AM and 10:00AM Sunday at ICC

Social Distancing must be observed at all times within the church

Masks are no long required for vaccinated people in the State of Massachusetts. The State does advise that non-vaccinated people continue to wear masks. It is understood that different people will be ready to take off their masks and sit near one another at different times. You are free to continue to wear masks as long as you like, and you will be respected if you choose to do so.

The dispensation from the obligation for coming to Sunday Mass has not yet been lifted, and even when it is, if a parishioner is feeling ill you should remain at home.

Congregational singing is allowed, as are choirs.

Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist can resume normally and continue to disinfect their hands before distributing Holy Communion. Communion under both species is still not allowed at this time.

This might be a good time for those who are interested in becoming Lectors and/or Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist to apply for this Service. You need but call the rectory at 978-458-1474 to apply.

Collections will be taken up by using a basket as in the past.

What is done in each parish is at the discretion of the Pastor.
We will continue to keep you informed as we receive further notices from the
Archdiocesan Office.


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