Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity, which is a mystery and very difficult to understand in our human capacity. We need to understand the Trinity as the model for our Christian families. We are created in love – to be a community of loving persons, just as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are united in love. The love, unity, and joy in the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit should be the supreme model for our relationships within our Christian families. Our families become truly Christian when we live in relationships of tender love and mercy with God and with others.

Let me share with you a beautiful story: One day a father and a young boy went to a kite flying festival and the boy started to fly a kite. Soon, his kite reached high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, “Father, it seems that the thread is holding up the kite from flying higher, if we break the thread, the kite will be free and will go flying higher. Can we break it?” So, the father cut the thread from a roller. The kite started going higher and higher. But, slowly, the kite started to come down, and it fell to the ground. The boy asked his father, “Father, I thought that by cutting the thread, the kite would be free and would fly higher. But, why did it fall down?”

The father explained, “Son, you were helping the kite fly higher and in a proper direction with the help of the thread. When we cut the thread, it fell down because the kite lost connection from the thread. Without the support from the thread, the kite was helpless.”

The son realized his mistake. The moral message of the story is that: Sometimes we feel that we can reach our goals fast and quickly but if our lives are not connected with the thread of Faith, Family, and Friends we can’t reach higher and our lives can tumble to the ground like this kite. Let’s not disconnect our lives from Faith, Family, and Friends. With their support, we can stay stable and united as we face our own daily challenges and tough times in our lives.

The foundation of the Trinity is the relationship of love between the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. We can experience the same relationship and love in our families. The committed and sacrificial love in family life will help us to know, understand and accept each other as we are. When we begin to spend time with Jesus, we get closer to Him and open ourselves to Him. Gradually, all our relationship begins to reflect the love of Jesus– even if imperfectly — the perfect relationship of love between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

When we are able to learn and admit our own powerlessness and weakness, we can find God’s strength in our lives. When we are able to surrender our broken spirits and bodies into God’s hands, a wonderful transformation takes place. God may not change the circumstances that bother us or make us anxious — but God WILL change our hearts and our attitudes so that we can see and experience that God’s spirit is working in us and through us. When we allow God to do His work within us, we are living the love of the Trinity in our daily lives! Let us reflect and meditate on the words of St. Mother Teresa, “Love is at the heart of the Trinity.!”


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